subject, creativity, educational and professional activity, academic performance, life success, stage of study, study profileAbstract
In terms of determining the personal factors of success in academical and professional activities, we consider the subjective methodological approach to be the most heuristically valuable, in which we consider students as subjects of both educational and professional activities in various combinations of their combination. Thus, it is appropriate to understand the subject of educational and professional activity as a person who is at the highest level of activity, communication, while maintaining integrity and autonomy, which is characterized by a constant desire for self-development throughout life, in various fields of activity, including in the course of educational and professional activity. It is likely that the development of creativity plays a significant role in the achievement of life success by the subject of educational and professional activity, which is also an essential characteristic of the subject and is a motivated ability to innovate, which is determined by a various of nonlinear, multilevel characteristics. It is assumed that the verbal and imaginative creativity of the subject in combination at different levels of development of creativity indicators form psychological types of creativity (clusters that reflect the average levels of development of imaginative and verbal creativity); from the theoretical point of view, subjective factors regulating the development of creativity can be metacognitive regulators, motivational regulators, volitional regulators, emotional regulatory mechanisms. The hypothesized relationship and influence of the levels of creativity development and these factors is assumed to be twofold: the profile and stage of study at a higher education institution as external factors that influence the development of creativity. In the future, it is planned to conduct a thorough empirical validation and reliability testing of the hypotheses at different levels of basic and applied psychological research.
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