addictions, healthy lifestyle, health-saving behavior, formation of health-saving behavior, students, bad habitsAbstract
The article reveals a theoretical and empirical study of psychological factors and conditions for the formation of health-saving behavior of modern youth. Today, the number of socially determined and socially significant diseases is growing, so studying the specifics of health-saving behavior of student youth is of particular importance. Despite the development of this issue, there are no studies on the problems of health-saving behavior of student youth. It has been determined that negative factors are objective circumstances (in particular, the introduction of distance learning due to the spread of coronavirus infection, the full-scale invasion of Russian troops into the territory of Ukraine, the occupation of certain territories of our country, the evacuation of residents and entire institutions, etc.) and subjective aspects. Subjective factors include the constant change in the needs of students as a special demographic group. Therefore, it is important to create new forms of work with modern youth in order to minimize the risks of poor health and increase the importance of factors in the formation of health-saving behavior for students. The purpose of our study is to analyze the factors of formation and conditions for maintaining health-saving behavior of student youth. A survey was conducted in which 211 students of Khmelnitsky National University took part. As a result, it was found that student youth consider health in the system of life values as one of the main components. Among the students there is an understanding of a healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude towards it. It was also found that most students are not sufficiently motivated to preserve and maintain their own health. Students are not searching for systematized thematic knowledge at the level of scientific research in this area; their information activity is determined only by receiving fragmentary and scattered information from the media and from peers. It has been determined that the value and behavioral instructions of the respondents’ parental family play a huge role in shaping the health-saving behavior of students.
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