military actions, psychological well-being, subjective well-being, student youth, psychological trainingAbstract
The article presents the results of a theoretical-empirical study of the feeling of subjective well-being of students in the conditions of military operations caused by Russian aggression; analyzed works of modern scientists and researchers on methods of improving subjective well-being; the results of the developed and implemented psychological training program to improve the main characteristics of the subjective well-being of young people are demonstrated. The purpose of the article was to highlight the results of the approbation of the psychological training program to increase the subjective well-being of student youth. Methods: “Modified BBC subjective wellbeing scale” (adapted by L. Karamushka, K. Tereshchenko, O. Kredentser); “Cognitive features of subjective wellbeing (KOSB-3” (O. Kalyuk, O. Savchenko); “Scale of subjective well-being” by H. Peruet-Badu (adapted by M. Solovyova). In the course of the empirical study, the following components of subjective well-being were studied: psychological well-being (confidence in one’s thoughts and beliefs, the possibility of development as a person, etc.), physical health (quality of sleep, ability to work and carry out daily life activities, sports and recreation, absence of depression, anxiety, etc.), relationships with others (presence of friends, reference environment), cognitive aspects (satisfaction with one’s life, disappointment in life), emotional aspects (tension, sensitivity, depression, mood changes, etc.). Results: in the course of the empirical study, low indicators of the subjective well-being of students were determined, which proved the urgent need for the development and implementation of a psychological program to improve the characteristics that make up the feeling of subjective well-being. The implementation of the training program proved its effectiveness.
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