


reproductive function, women, conscious parenting, reproductive behavior, reproductive attitude


The article is devoted to the study of the problem of women’s readiness to implement the reproductive function, which is extremely relevant in the conditions of the demographic crisis. On the basis of theoretical analysis of the scientific literature, it was found that in psychology, the mentioned problem is mostly considered within the framework of the formation of conscious motherhood, as a life position of a woman, which includes the feeling of the need to give birth to a child, the readiness to assume the role of mother and bear responsibility for raising a child. It is shown that subjective psychological readiness for motherhood is the condition for formation of conscious pregnancy, which involves purposeful preparation for conception and conscious bearing of a child. Readiness to realize the reproductive function in the context of the reproductive behavior of the individual is considered, which reveals the motivational aspect of readiness to give birth or refusal to give birth to a child, the “childfree” tendency in women. It is emphasized that the condition of women’s psychological readiness for motherhood is the formed reproductive attitude, which becomes dominant and is expressed in the need to give birth and raise a child, while without children, a woman experiences difficulties in self-realization as an personalities. It has been proven that reproductive attitudes depend on the peculiarities of upbringing in the parental family, marital and family relationships, and the gender identity of the personalities. It was determined that certain personal attributes of women are an obstacle to the realization of reproductive functions: infantility, distortion of the image of “I”, inadequate self-esteem; intra-personal conflicts; broken sexrole identification; emotional instability; high level of anxiety; tendency to depressive manifestation, suppressed aggression; low level of communicative competence. The need to implement a complex medical and psychological approach to solving this problem is emphasized, taking into account the main components of women’s readiness to implement the reproductive function: physiological, psychological, behavioral.


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How to Cite

Mitina, O. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF WOMEN’S READINESS TO IMPLEMENT REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTIONS. Наукові записки. Серія: Психологія, (1), 102–107.