empathy, teachers, wartime conditions, psychological characteristics of teachers’ empathyAbstract
In the article, the issue of enhancing the role of empathy in personality development, especially in the context of teachers’ professional competencies, is analyzed. Empathy is defined as a key psychological mechanism that promotes understanding and managing the emotions of others. It is noted that empathic pedagogical action allows each child to develop and independently unfold their potential, while pedagogical empathy serves as a valuable formation characterized by the emotional attitude of the teacher towards their students. The article examines the role of teachers’ empathy in the context of armed conflict and its impact on the psychosocial development of students. It is mentioned that the development of empathy among teachers in wartime conditions is crucial for creating an emotionally supportive educational environment, and the emotional resilience and self-regulation of teachers are important for maintaining the quality of education during wartime. Initiatives for psychological support for teachers in wartime conditions are provided, which contribute to their professional development and the preservation of the quality of education. The article identifies factors influencing the empathic abilities of educators, including: teachers facing stressful situations requiring high levels of emotional resilience and self-regulation; a significant portion of the teaching staff experiencing emotional exhaustion due to constant exposure to traumatic events and the suffering of students and their families; teachers losing the ability to empathize due to their own internal conflicts and inability to adapt to extraordinary circumstances; a decrease in the ability to perceive and prioritize the needs of students; and insufficient support provided by the educational system for teachers. The findings underscore the need for targeted programs and measures to develop empathy among teachers in wartime conditions, as well as support for their psychological readiness to interact with students who may experience traumatic events.
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