


preventive education, prevention of smoking, alcohol and drug use


The article analyzes the system of social and psychological preventive education of schoolchildren. Issues of the basics of health, physical culture and sports are revealed, which is important in the prevention of smoking, alcohol and drug use. The works of modern scientists who revealed to social and pedagogical workers the preservation of the reproductive health of minors were analyzed. For parents, class teachers and educators - about the formation of a culture of health in teenage girls. For employees of education authorities, social services, teachers - about the prevention of the use of narcotic substances by minors. We turned to the works of the Ukrainian teacher V. Sukhomlynskyi, who considered preventive education as a complete system of preparatory, preventive and preventive actions of the teacher in order to prevent the formation of negative actions, habits, character traits, behavior of adolescents and the organization of proper care for their life activities. In the pedagogical system of the scientist, the issues related to the prevention of physical, moral, mental and spiritual neglect of schoolchildren were reflected. study of the experience of outstanding teachers and the activities of modern schools, which encourage the future teacher to prevent harmful habits of schoolchildren, their immoral actions and social-psychological behavior. It has been proven that in the involvement of future teachers in socio-pedagogical activities, such actions play an important role as: the organizational moment, which consists of studying the theory of the problem by students, and its practical implementation by future teachers; implementation of psychological and pedagogical influence on students with the aim of forming in them the necessary skills and abilities to carry out socio-pedagogical work outside classroom time; students' accumulation of methodical work experience in the process of socio-pedagogical activity.


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How to Cite

Ratsul, O. (2023). SYSTEM OF SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL PREVENTIVE EDUCATION OF SCHOOLC HILDREN. Наукові записки. Серія: Психологія, (2), 62–67.