



mental health, emotional well-being, fair treatment, participants in the educational process, pedagogical interaction


The article is devoted to the psychological study of the factor of mental health of participants in the educational process, namely, the peculiarities of establishing pedagogical interaction between them on the basis of fairness and objectivity. Mental health is defined as a state of psychological balance and emotional well-being of an individual, which is determined by the fairness of social interactions and the value attitudes of their participants towards each other. It is proven that in the process of pedagogical interactions, the mental health of schoolchildren is achieved and strengthened thanks to the teacher's fair, impartial, respectful attitude towards them. It has been established that when characterizing the teacher's fair actions, students focus mainly on the facts of the teacher's objective assessment of their educational achievements. It is important to show an understanding of the individual circumstances of each student when making a pedagogical decision for schoolchildren. In the process of analyzing the students' answers regarding the teacher's unfair actions, it was established that the impossibility of receiving a well-deserved evaluation for the results of their educational activities and the presence of a biased attitude towards some students and a condescending attitude toward others are significant for them. It was found that the just actions of the teacher had a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of the students and contributed to increasing the productivity of their activities. It was established that unfair actions were accompanied by negative emotions of rejection, anger, indignation and indifference. It has been proven that in the process of pedagogical interactions, students harmonize with a fair teacher, achieve social and psychological balance, and emotional comfort. This strengthens their internal positions and has a positive effect on their mental health.


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How to Cite

Klochek, L. (2023). JUSTICE IN PEDAGOGICAL INTERACTIONS AS A FACTOR OF MENTAL HEALTH OF PARTICIPANTS IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. Наукові записки. Серія: Психологія, (2), 39–46. https://doi.org/10.32782/cusu-psy-2023-2-5