


preschool age, gadgets, features of gadgets use, consequences of gadgets use


The article is devoted to the problem topical for modern psychological science problem which is of peculiarities of gadgets use by preschool children, which is associated with the rapid development of information technologies and active integration of the media sphere into the space of modern childhood. The goal was an empirical study of the features of using gadgets by modern preschoolers. The time and content parameters of using gadgets at preschool age, the attitude of parents to this process and their control over the process of gadgets use by children are resaerched. As a result of an empirical study, it was revealed that modern preschoolers are highly oriented for the use of electronic gadgets and start using gadgets at a fairly early age. It also turned out that most modern preschoolers have time parameters for using gadgets that significantly exceed the recommended regulatory indicators, and the content is mainly entertaining. For a significant number of preschoolers, the process of using gadgets is out of control of parents both in terms of time and content parameters. Cognitive and emotional uncertainty was revealed in the attitude of a certain group of parents of preschoolers as for the use of gadgets by their children, which leads to the inability of these parents to adequately control this process. In view of the results obtained, the possible consequences of the influence of non-normative use of gadgets on the psyche of preschool children are analyzed. On the basis of the study, it was concluded that the problem of gadgets use by preschool children is extremely relevant, but at the same time insufficiently researched. A further step should be scientifically grounded research that would reveal all aspects of the influence of electronic devices on various aspects of the mental development of preschool children, and the development of a theoretical-experimental and methodological base for the prevention and correction of the negative impact of gadgets on the mental development of preschoolers.


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How to Cite

Minenko, O., & Blyzniukova, O. (2023). STUDY OF THE FEATURES OF GADGE TS USE BY PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Наукові записки. Серія: Психологія, (2), 53–61.