



justice, measure of rewards and punishments, moral imperative, moral value, metaneed


The article presents the evolution of views on justice in the history of psychology. The author considers the interpretation of the concept of justice in the pre-scientific period - from ancient religious beliefs to the times of German classical philosophy; and in the scientific period of psychology, focusing on the characteristics of the views of representatives of behaviorist and humanistic trends, as well as modern researchers. The author proves that, despite more than two thousand years of difference in time, certain similarities regarding the definition of justice in the teachings of Confucius and I. Kant, in particular the principle of reciprocity, can be clearly traced at both. Starting with the classical philosophy of the Ancient World and during subsequent eras, the approach to defining justice changed. This phenomenon was studied from the point of view of the state, social hierarchy, politics, economy, justice, interpersonal interaction, education, etc. The article highlights the consistent development of the legitimation of justice in different societies - from the identification of justice and religion in Ancient India, justice and law in Ancient Greece, to the gradual acceptance of justice as a relatively subjective phenomenon for each individual. It is noted that in the pre-scientific period of psychology, justice was considered exclusively as a philosophical category. The psychological view of the phenomenon of justice arose during the scientific period. The author is in solidarity with behavioral scientists in terms of considering justice as a phenomenon that regulates social interactions from the point of view of fair distribution of rewards or punishments between people for the results of their activities and efforts. The approach of humanistic psychology is updated, according to which justice is defined as one of the metaneeds of a person, which must be satisfied, because the reverse process affects the mental health of the individual and negatively affects the quality of social interactions. The article emphasizes the expediency of comprehensively studying justice, considering its multifaceted nature and the importance it has for the individual, society, state and humanity in general.


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How to Cite

Matvieiev, D. (2023). JUSTICE IN THE DIMENSION OF PSYCHOLOGY. Наукові записки. Серія: Психологія, (1), 45–51. https://doi.org/10.32782/cusu-psy-2023-1-6