prosocial behavior, internal determinants, ego-altruistic orientation, social competenceAbstract
The article analyzes the understanding of the essence of prosocial behavior as a scientific phenomenon that underlies the establishment of productive dialogical social relations, the essential features of which are the embodiment of humanistic values, altruism, mutual assistance, intercession, empathy and compassion in interpersonal relations. The historical genesis of the formation of the concept of “prosocial behavior” in foreign and domestic psychology is highlighted. The dominant line of scientific research is indicated, according to which the study of prosocial behavior is carried out in the context of the study of related scientific problems: altruism, empathy, moral development of the individual and humane relations. It is noted that only recently the emergence of prosocial behavior has been formed as an independent subject of research by Ukrainian scientists. The positions of domestic and western scientists regarding the essential signs of prosocial behavior - a valuable attitude towards others and the desire to improve their condition – are summarized. The content heterogeneity of prosocial behavior as a whole construct, the elements of which are altruistic, helpful, cooperative and actually prosocial actions, whose description is based on the motivational component as an internal determinant of prosocial behavior that has an ego-altruistic orientation, is clarified. Value orientations are considered as determinants of prosocial behavior, the effectiveness of which increases with the transition from the declarative to the level of the belief system. The authors analyzed the views of scientists who studied prosocial behavior from the perspective of the principle of activity mediation, according to which joint activity is a necessary condition for existence and a means of formation of prosocial behavior. The article reveals one of the modern trends in the development of the problem of research of the phenomenon of prosocial behavior, according to which socially useful behavior is a component of social competence, which is the basis of the humanization of interpersonal relations. The positions of scientists regarding the essence of the concept of “social competence” based on a review of the main positions of activity and integral scientific approaches are summarized. Social competence is considered as a basis for effective interaction of people in social environment and as an interactive characteristic of a personality, which includes social knowledge, abilities and skills, experience of constructive interaction with others, values and qualities that ensure, in a narrow sense, an increase in the level of adaptability and personal comfort in certain social communities and, in a broad sense, leads to dialogicity and humanization of the interpersonal space in general. The views of scientists who consider prosocial behavior as a key structural element of social competence are highlighted.
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