active socio-psychological cognition, codependency, destructive relationships, negative mental states, addiction, addictive behavior, love addictionAbstract
The article analyzes the philosophical and psychological literature, which made it possible to systematize scientific views on the essence of the problem of codependent relationships and their impact on the psychological state of the individual. It was found that codependency significantly affects the emotional and physical state of the individual, his work capacity and relationships with other people. The article examines the factors of the emergence of codependent relationships. The presentation of the concept of "codependency" in scientific sources and in the information space is analyzed. It was determined that the process of addiction formation is determined by biological, psychological and social influences. It is clarified that under biological prerequisites, a certain way of responding to various influences, inherent in everyone, is considered. Psychological factors include the personal characteristics of the reflection in the psyche of psychological traumas in different (primarily in childhood) periods of life. Social factors are both family (parents' attitude towards the child, types of upbringing) and extra-family influences (the society in which a person lives, including moral values, political and economic problems, etc.). Love addiction is characterized as a kind of destructive form of interpersonal relations, characterized by such signs as: overvaluing a significant person, expecting an unconditional positive attitude from him, fear of loneliness, unconscious fear of intimacy and closeness, etc. The article presents a psychological analysis of the style of family upbringing, which affects the emergence of a person's tendency to codependent relationships. It was found that codependent relationships cause destructive mental states of the subject. It is emphasized that people in codependent relationships violate personal boundaries, appear financially or emotionally subjugated, etc. It has been proven that the leading research method of helping people who are prone to love addiction or are already in codependent relationships is active social-psychological cognition (ASPP), which is based on the spontaneity and ease of the subject's behavior under the conditions of objectifying one's own psyche in thematic pictures . A fragment of the empirical material of in-depth knowledge, which reflects the phenomenon of codependence, is presented.
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