


counseling, adolescent counseling, psychological help, communication skills, congruence, empathy, motivational interview, thinking patterns, facilitation, peer facilitator


The article examines the peculiarities of counseling adolescents. The main stages of counseling are outlined in the context of classic personality theories, which are the basis of modern counseling practice (psychoanalytic direction, person-centered theory, Gestalt psychology, theory of transactional analysis, rational-emotive psychology, counseling in the method of positive psychotherapy). Advantages and limitations of using the above-mentioned theories in practical activities are analyzed. The author concludes that the most effective approach in working with adolescents is an eclectic approach, which allows the consultant to combine problem-oriented and personal-oriented counseling aimed at identifying resources for solving the problem and achieving an optimal result. Typical requests of adolescents, requirements for a psychologist and tasks of a counselor working with clients are defined: activation of the client’s mental resources, integration of the client’s personality, promoting transformation of the adolescent’s behavioral reactions, development of decisionmaking skills in the face of new everyday circumstances and living conditions, development of communication and facilitation skills for the purpose of emotional self-regulation and growth of the adolescent’s personal potential. The system model of counseling adolescents is presented. The effective communication is defined as a key factor in productive interaction so it confirms the importance of developing communication skills, cognitive skills and facilitation skills. In view of the tasks, the motivational interview method, the method of relying on the client’s strengths, the three-stage model of changing thinking patterns, active listening techniques, encouragement, paraphrasing, facilitation skills development techniques are suggested to be used. The development of facilitation skills among adolescents contributes to their self-discovery, stimulates independence and activity, motivates them to be a facilitator for their peers.


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How to Cite

Blyzniukova, O., & Minenko, O. (2023). COUNSELING ADOLESCENTS: PRACTI CAL MODELS OF INTERACTION. Наукові записки. Серія: Психологія, (1), 7–13.