text, direct speech, indirect speech, artistic work, stylistic function.Abstract
The article considers the stylistic possibilities of such ways of expression in texts of artistic style as direct and indirect speech. Since the text of any functional style, and especially the style of fiction, in its essence is speech itself, it should be based on specific both substantive and language-compositional principles. The purpose of the article is to consider and generalize the stylistic possibilities of direct and indirect speech in German-language literary texts. The article summarizes the scientific material on the researched topic, taking into account the anthropocentricity of the literary text, which consists in the interaction of the author through the system of actors with the reader. Taking into account the peculiarities of creating a literary and artistic portrait of a character, a significant role here belongs to the speech of the protagonists of the work, which can be transmitted, in particular, in direct and indirect speech. It was found that the wide use of direct speech in the texts of the artistic style determines a kind of dramatic way of depiction, the language serves to characterize the actors, their individual characteristics, emotional state, views on life, interests, etc. In order to visually illustrate the main theoretical provisions, the article provides relevant examples from the works of German writers who are recognized masters of the world. The language structure of direct speech, in particular, verbs of speech and expression of thought (verbum dicendi), is emphasizes, as well as possible variations in this regard, since verbs of different semantic content can assume the function if introductory verbs according to the speech situation. Considerable attention is also paid to consideration of the peculiarities of the stylistic functioning of indirect speech as a special way of depicting someone else’s speech, as form of fictional development of an artistic work. In particular, it is stated that the structures if indirect speech can be used by the author to convey the point of view of both one person and a group of persons, for a generalized image of the conversation of several people. It is pointed out that, compared to direct speech, indirect speech is less expressive, since it does not carry a direct description of characters or events. The main function of direct speech in a literary text is the creation of a speech portrait of a character, while indirect speech, in turn, serves in the author’s speech as a means of developing the plot and provides additional linguistic material for the study of both the speech portrait of the actors and the general expressive plan of the literary text.
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