word-forming morphonology, novelties, deverbatives, morphonological-forming markers, media discourse, motivational functionsAbstract
The article elucidates the motivational functions and morphonological specificity of the innovations based on the material of the printed publications and Internet sources. It is noted that the derivational and stylistic devices characteristic of the Ukrainian language prevail in the media texts. The functioning and active use of the innovations in the media discourse is explained by taking into account the social needs in the nomination of the processes, objectified actions, phenomena with a pragmatic direction and their use in journalistic and artistic styles. The analysis of the derivational markers of the new words contributes to the description of the word-formation and morphonological facts of the new derivative creation with the help of the morphonological rules. The morphonological level of the derivative formal structure is active in the detection of the model of the language categorization innovations and processes. In the word-forming nest, the motivated functioning and systematic organization of the new derivatives are revealed, which can be explained by the mental ontology and cultural traditions, and these aspects help not assimilate with other languages and ensure the existence of the metalanguage analogs in the language structure, the definition of the word-forming types and models, and morphonological ones in the morphonologically marked derivatives. All the structural components of the new words correspond to the language and speech systematicity of the language sign and practice, the activity of the word-forming and morphological models, the derivational language resources and means. The word-forming morphonology testifies to the development of the motivational functions in the system hierarchy of the word-forming nest, the dynamics in the relation to the derivative structure. The exponent structure of the derivative which is clearly visible in the new words, taking into account the meaning of the creative word and derivational formants, expresses a motivational meaning. The new words in the media texts perform the nominative, word-forming, emotional-evaluative, compressive-informative, diagnostic, characterological, integrative, socialcommunicative and pragmatic functions.
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