



gamification, edutainment, educational process, teaching method, teaching device, educational challenges


The research is dedicated to the study of gamification – one of the modern approaches to organizing and conducting Ukrainian language lessons in a secondary education institution. The authors have identified effective ways to integrate game elements into the educational process, analyzed potential challenges and prospects of gamification in the context of modern Ukrainian education. The paper also presents common educational platforms and applications that can be useful for conducting educational classes using game technologies. The article presents examples of implementing gamified tasks at different stages of a language lesson – during the repetition of the studied topic / section, during the generalization and systematization of knowledge, at the stage of checking the level of assimilation of the material, as well as in the process of additional classes aimed at overcoming educational losses and gaps. The work focuses on gamification as a factor that directs the modern educational process to the formation of the student’s personality. The student uses the game as a tool for learning new things, acquiring knowledge and communicative competencies, and increasing motivation for learning. The research presents both a description of the positive aspects associated with the use of edutainment in Ukrainian language lessons, and a warning about the oversaturation of educational activities with games, as well as the challenges that a teacher of a modern Ukrainian institution of general secondary education faces. The scientific publication may be useful to scientists working in the field of education/pedagogy, methodologists of institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education, teachers of secondary education institutions, applicants for higher and pre-higher pedagogical education, and everyone who is interested in the issues of organizing a mentally comfortable educational environment.


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Освітня платформа «ПОВІР». URL: https://povir.in.ua-/landing/#want-to-join (дата звернення: 10.11.2024)



How to Cite

Krychun, L. P., & Nesterenko, T. A. (2024). ON THE ISSUE OF GAMIFICATION IN UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE LESSONS. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (211), 58–62. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2024-211-8