



political narrative, narrative-based political concept, construal, agenda theory, framing, priming


This study, conducted at the intersection of cognitive, political and media linguistics, offers a theoretical analysis of the political narrative as a tool for the formation and manifestation of political concepts. The main thematic foci of the article are the ingerent properties of the political narrative and a narrative-based political concept. Traditionally, the term ‘narrative’ is used in literary studies to refer to a literary text as a story that has the fabula and the plot represented by a sequence of events. The narrative turn that took place in the social sciences caused the ‘entry’ of narrative into the interdisciplinary field and shifted the focus of researchers' attention from the structural organisation of the narrative text to the influence that this text exerts on the audience. In politics, the narrative is understood as a particularly arranger content which is shaped by a verbal text and which molds political concepts and categories. The political narrative is defined as a ‘hypertext’ that reflects the multiple voices of political battles, has different narrators and, accordingly, different rational and emotional assessments. A narrative-based political concept (the term coined by S. Zhabotynska) is a mental image, which contains specific politically significant information transmitted by numerous texts, including media messages. As a cognitive construct, such image, which reflects the subjects’s biases in general and one’s interactions with the political actors in particular, is formed via salience of the intended information (agenda-setting), its framing, appealing to the consumers’ emotions, and the emtrenchment of the message in their minds through priming, or establishing the necessary stable associations related to certain political realities. The formation of ideologically important concepts through media political narratives determines the public's attitude to political processes within the country and abroad. The theoretical premises presented in this paper are relevant for our further research focused on the construal of the narrative-based political concept DEMOCRACY IN UKRAINE, as it is represented in American media.


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How to Cite

Brovarska, I. A. (2024). POLITICAL NARRATIVE AS A MEANS OF MOLDING POLITICAL CONCEPTS. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (211), 20–27. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2024-211-3