


personal name, antroponim, calendar phraseological unit, ethnic community.


This article describes the definition of the concepts of «personal name», «calendar phraseological unit», «ethnic community». The article deals with the pressing problems which are typical for study of functioning personal names in calendar phraseological units. This is testified by increasing attention of Ukrainian and foreign theoreticians to this topic, as they contribute to the study of the basic methods of analysis of onomastic nomination and the mechanisms of antroponim recomprehension as phraseological units’ component. The main purpose of the paper is to investigate the essence of calendar phraseology and to state the role and function of the personal name components in the phraseological units. There have been ascertained the role of personal name components in phraseological significance’ formation and explored their semantic peculiarities in phraseological units. The system relations in the sphere of phraseological units with personal names have been studied. It has been discovered that the antroponim component of calendar phraseological unit doesn’t preserve the semantic links with the corresponding proper name in the speech and language and due to that it doesn’t motivate the meaning of the phraseologism. The semantic meaning of the antroponim in the general phraseological meaning depends on the degree of the phraseologism idiomacy. The national features of phraseologisms are always conditioned by the character of the onomastic component. The calendar phraseological units with personal names have international features.


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How to Cite

Ardelian, O. (2023). FUNCTIONING OF PERSONAL NAMES IN CALENDAR PHRASEOLOGY. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (203), 7–12.