



concept, metaphorisation processes, conceptual metaphor, modern Ukrainian-language media discourse, emotional conceptual sphere, corpus of media texts


The research focuses on metaphorisation processes of the concept «ANGER» in contemporary Ukrainian media texts. The topicality of the article is determined by the context of contemporary sociocultural dynamics and linguistic representation of emotions in the media space. The growing influence of the media and social media on the formation of public opinion underlines the importance of understanding how concepts are embodied through language and reflect public sentiment. The article is aimed at analysing the metaphorical expressions of the concept «ANGER» and its peculiarities of perception and interpretation in the Ukrainian-language media discourse, covering two time periods: two years before and after the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The study is based on theoretical aspects of metaphor both as a linguistic phenomenon and conceptual metaphor. The article examines the cognitive mechanisms of creating metaphorical models for verbalising the emotion of anger as well as provides an analysis of the processes of metaphorisation in media texts and their functions. The practical study of the metaphorical models of the concept «ANGER» in modern Ukrainian media texts has been conducted. The work with textual data was carried out in the corpus GRAC (ГPAК) [1], where two sub-corpora of media texts were formed (UKR MEDIA 2020–2021 and UKR MEDIA 2022–2023) for analysing the dynamic processes of verbalisation of the concept «ANGER» two years before and after the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine. The choice of this corpus was justified by the possibility of analysing different types of texts and different time periods. In conclusion the article suggests the perspectives for further research to study the dynamic processes of metaphorisation and analyse the statistical results for other concepts denoting emotions, including other types of discourse.


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How to Cite

Ustymenko, T., & Karamysheva, I. (2024). DYNAMIC PROCESSES OF METAPHORISATION OF THE CONCEPT «ANGER» IN MODERN UKRAINIAN MEDIA DISCOURSE. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 292–298. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2024-210-42