



terminology, term-abbreviation, photography, abbreviation, lexical and semantic group


The article deals with the structural and semantic features of English-language terms-abbreviations in the field of photography and identifies the ways of their creation. The absence of a comprehensive linguistic study of the processes of creation of photography terms in general and English-language abbreviations in particular has led to the relevance of the research. The study defines the concept of ‘abbreviation’ and outlines the range of main problems related to the phenomenon of abbreviation. The theoretical basis of the study is formed by the works of scholars who have studied abbreviations in various fields of activity. It is noted that the peculiarity of Englishlanguage terms-abbreviations in the field of photography is that most of them are variants of term phrases (SLR (Single-Lens Reflex), HDR (High Dynamic Range)), some English-language terms-abbreviations are formed from separate words (HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness), HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) or are abbreviations of one word (BKT (Bracketing)). A total of 54 English-language photography abbreviations were described. The analysis has revealed the following structural types of English-language abbreviations in the field of photography: acronyms, alphabets and combined abbreviations. The study has shown that alphabets prevail in the photography terminology (27). By construction, the abbreviations are identified as one-letter (P, L), two-letter (SD, TV), three-letter (MLU, HCD), four-letter (OLED, PASM) and one seven-letter abbreviation (AI-SERVO.) 13 lexical and semantic groups are distinguished. It is established that the most numerous of the lexical and semantic groups are the following: ‘service modes’ (M, AP, AV), “colour models” (RGB, CMYK), “image formats” (JPEG, TIFF, MRAW), “camera parameters” (AF, AF-C). It is noted that the terminology of photography is characterised by the use of English-language abbreviations in parallel with full terms. It is noted that the involvement of foreign language abbreviations in the word-formation processes is a distinctive feature of photography terminology. It is concluded that the abbreviation as a linguistic phenomenon is an integral component of the modern terminology of photography. The value of an abbreviation is that it greatly expands the derivational possibilities of terms. We see the prospect of further research in the study of productive ways of word formation of photography terms.


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How to Cite

Tehlivets, Y. (2024). ENGLISH TERMS-ABBREVIATIONS IN THE FIELD OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 286–291. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2024-210-41