


language game, naming, podcast, name, communications, language creativity


The study is devoted to the language game as a specific type of the author's speech-making activity and the reception of increasing the expressiveness of the naming of modern Ukrainian podcasting. To date, the language game phenomenon has not been fully researched, and the means and techniques for achieving marketing goals have not been fully described, therefore linguistic studies of the language game phenomenon are relevant and will allow to increase the effectiveness of marketing communications. The phenomenon of the language game, which is part of modern mass culture and media space, is defined as a set of special techniques that realize a defined communicative goal. The language game is interpreted as a kind of pragmatic activity, one of the methods of suggestion and manipulation, a method of improving the organization of advertising information, namely naming. The most effective ways of naming modern Ukrainian podcasts are described: naming by the surname or name of the owner, founder or famous person, descriptive names that convey the essence of the product or service, associative names, names containing sound repetitions, neologisms; their structural and semantic features are singled out and analyzed. Specific language game techniques have been identified that contribute to attracting listeners' attention, better memorization, make the name unusual, distinguish it from others, and deprive it of the automaticity of perception. The mechanisms of successful naming of Ukrainian podcasts based on the phenomenon of language play are analyzed in detail, among them are the transformation of idioms, the creation of occasionalisms, the combination of different grammatical forms, the graphic method, parenthesis, rhetorical questions, the use of oxymorons, antitheses and other stylistic figures. It has been proven that the use of a language game in the naming of Ukrainian podcasts demonstrates the testing of new means of creating imagery, the search for convenient and original forms of realizing the author's intentions, and reveals the deep expressive potential of the language system.


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How to Cite

Taranenko, K. (2024). LANGUAGE GAME TECHNIQUES IN NAMING UKRAINIAN PODCASTS. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 280–285.