


transformation, partitioning, integration, compensation, transposition, permutation, replacement


The scientific article aims to carry out a comparative analysis of Arthur Conan Doyle's story "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle" in English and Ukrainian and to analyze the grammatical transformations application as a means of achieving the adequacy of fiction translation To achieve the goal, the authors apply the following research methods: analysis and generalization of scientific literature on the problems of translation transformations; theoretical generalization, contextual and comparative analysis; comparative, descriptive and analytical methods. The analysis showes that in most cases the transformations applied by M. Dmytrenko in the process of translating " The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle" are justified. The translator uses all types of grammatical transformations: the most used transformation of partitioning is used when translating complex sentences, non-finite verb forms, noun constructions to facilitate the perception of information; replacement is applied when translating passive constructions, interrogative sentences, constructions with reported speech in order to bring the translation closer to the rules of syntax and norms of the Ukrainian language; M. Dmytrenko resorts to integration in order to simplify expressions to make them more concise; the least used grammatical transformation of the syntactic level is compensation, by means of which the loss of meaning in one part of the sentence is compensated for in another part of it; transposition is presented in the translation of the story in all its types: substantivation, verbalization, adjectivation, adverbialization, and pronominalization; when translating nouns in the possessive case and noun combinations, permutation is applied. But for the most part, the transformations are of a complex nature: in order to achieve adequacy – the main goal of translation – the translator applies several transformations at the same time both at the syntactic and morphological level.


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How to Cite

Ostapenko, S., & Herasymenko, O. (2024). GRAMMATICAL TRANSFORMATIONS APPLICATION IN THE UKRAINIAN TRANSLATION OF "THE ADVENTURE OF THE BLUE CARBUNCLE" BY A.С. DOYLE. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 215–223.