


electronic explanatory dictionary, corpus texts of the Ukrainian language, lexicography, lexical semantics, semantic class


The article examines the use of a linguistic corpus for the analysis of the lexical conjugation of relative adjectives with nouns within the framework of the development of a linguistic and informational toolkit for a multi-parameter description of the lexical semantics of relative adjectives of the Ukrainian language in an electronic explanatory dictionary. The aim of the study: to demonstrate the possibility and expediency of using the corpus of Ukrainian texts in modern semantic research, in particular for the analysis of the lexical compatibility of relative adjectives with nouns. An analysis of the lexical compatibility of relative adjectives with nouns was carried out on the material of the Ukrainian National Linguistic Corpus. Based on the results of the analysis, the types of semantic classes of nouns syntactically related to relative adjectives were identified as a tool for introducing the sign of semantic valence to describe the lexical meaning of relative adjectives, the interpretation of which was given according to the strong non-explicit interpretation formulas «Adjective to ...» and «In relation to ...» in the electronic version of the explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language in 20 volumes. On the basis of the compatibility of relative adjectives with nouns, the types of semantic classes are distinguished, the broadest of which are: «man», «animal», «plant», «building/facility/institution/structure», «substances and materials», «result of creative/scientific activity», «time», «space», «action», «transport», «furniture», «equipment/ equipment/appliance/device», «clothing/shoes», «miscellaneous material items», «fabric», «dishes», «decoration», «natural phenomena», «food/drinks», «term». The results of the analysis are included in the linguistic database «Semantics of relative adjectives», developed to solve the problem of explicit presentation of information in electronic explanatory dictionaries, which will contribute to the further implementation of computer technologies in research on lexical semantics, focused on the creation of natural language processing systems.


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How to Cite

Oleksandruk, I. (2024). LINGUISTIC CORPUS AS A TOOL OF SEMANTIC RESEARCH. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 209–214.