



copywriting, types of copywriting texts, marketing, advertising, commercial texts, SMM, SEO


The article examines various types of copywriting texts, their features, and applications in modern marketing and advertising. Over the past twenty years, copywriting has gained significant popularity in Slavic countries, becoming an integral part of advertising and PR strategies. It is established that copywriting texts can be both verbal and verbal-visual, distributed through media, email newsletters, corporate channels, and other platforms. Copywriting texts perform two main tasks: passive attraction of the audience from search engines through search optimization and LSI adaptation, as well as prompting the audience to take targeted actions, such as purchasing a product or service. Copywriting texts can inform the consumer about a new product or service, aid in search engine promotion, present new products, strengthen the company’s image, and dispel misconceptions about the product or service. The most general classification of modern copywriting texts is proposed by Oleksandr Nazaykin. It includes advertising texts, sales texts, image texts, presentation texts, informative texts, web-oriented texts, SEO texts, SMM texts, commercial proposals, sales scripts, texts for email newsletters, advertising announcements, scripts for audio and video commercials, texts for print advertising, white papers, texts for user interfaces, texts for speeches, and texts for social networks. Each type of text performs specific tasks such as attracting attention, maintaining interest, prompting action, enhancing the image, and informing the audience. The article pays special attention to methods of creating effective copywriting texts, considering psychological and marketing aspects. For each type of text, the features of structure, writing approaches, and examples of successful applications are discussed. For instance, advertising texts focus on attracting attention and creating a positive image of the product or service, while SEO texts are optimized for search engines to ensure high positions in search results. The article also explores the impact of copywriting texts on the target audience and their effectiveness in achieving commercial goals. The advantages and disadvantages of various types of texts are assessed, allowing conclusions to be drawn about their appropriateness in different marketing strategies. Specifically, SMM texts have proven to be particularly effective on social networks due to their ability to quickly respond to changes in consumer behavior and personalize content. The conducted analysis shows that copywriting is a powerful tool in modern marketing, capable of significantly increasing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and helping achieve business goals. Investments in creating quality copywriting texts pay off by increasing conversion and audience engagement. Considering the dynamic changes in consumer behavior and adapting texts to current market trends enables copywriters to create texts that most effectively influence the target audience.


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How to Cite

Moroz, V., & Harbera, I. (2024). TYPES OF COPYWRITING TEXTS. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 195–201. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2024-210-29