


totalitarianism, I. Bahrianyi, writers of the 20–30s of the twentieth century, «Executed Renaissance», periodicals, archival documents, genre searches, literary formation, the «Slovo» house


The article attempts to outline the peculiarities of the formation of the young generation of Ukrainian writers who represented a new quality of literature in the conditions of the emergence of totalitarianism. Based on publications in the magazines «UZH» (Universal Journal) and «Chervonyi Klych» (1928–1929), the article presents the artistic searches and findings of I. Bahrianyi, V. Vrazhlyvy, Mike Johansen, O. Slisarenko, M. Kulish, Ostap Vyshnia, M. Khvyliovyi, V. Sosiura, Y. Yanovskyi. The archival funds have become a reliable source for filling in the gaps in the biographies of the masters of words, and the study of documents, manuscripts, working materials, and drafts has made it possible to trace the path of creative formation of the group of Ukrainian writers of the 20-30s of the twentieth century. It is noted that despite the pressure on the masters of words, which took on the character of denial and ostracism, the writers, continuing the traditions of Ukrainian modernism, demonstrated high artistic results, presented new genre forms, and filled their texts with conditionally associative images of a new level. In the context of tolerating propagandistic intentions, they emphasized the depiction of the nuances of their characters and the growing dynamics of their inner experiences. The article highlights the artistic phenomenon of the residents and guests of the «Slovo» house in Kharkiv, focusing on the relationships and interconnections between the writers and their artistic reflection in Ivan Bahrianyi's later works, Yuriy Smolych's memoirs, etc. The article describes the artistic features of M. Khvyliovyi, V. Vrazhlyvyi, M. Johansen, M. Kulish and other artists of the word, identifies vectors of promising research in the field of Bahriany studies in the context of rapid changes in public life.


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How to Cite

Mykhyda, I. (2024). AN EXCURSION THROUGH THE MAGAZINES «UZH» AND «CHERVONYI KLYCH» (1928–1929): THE PROBLEM OF ARTISTIC AND AESTHETIC SEARCHES. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 183–188.