


related languages, distinctive language features, phonemes /г/, /ф/,/дз/, /дзʹ/


This article continues studying the complex issue of the harmony of the combination of Proto-Slavic and Ukrainian language features in the modern phonemic-phonetic order of our language, which was reflected in the articles included in the previous issues of the same journal – Scientific Notes. Series: Philological Sciences Issue 1 (208) and Issue 2 (209). In this investigation, we continue to describe the modern Ukrainian subsystem of consonant phonemes formation, which has as its support the common Slavic consonant base, which became the basis for peculiar phonetic foundations creation for other related languages as well; we consider only those consonant phonemes that did not exist in the Proto-Slavic language or that it lost similar to those in the modern Ukrainian language. These are the phonemes /г/, /ф/, /дз/, and /дз′/. Since their origin, pronunciation features, and written transmission in many respects have peculiarities, we supplement the actual phonetic-phonological descriptions with orthographic and orthographic ones. In modern educational and methodological works on the Ukrainian language phonetics, in textbooks and manuals for students, the phonemes /г/, /ф/, /дз/ and /дз′/ are studied together with others, determining their place in classification systems and not raising questions about their origin, features of their consolidation in the system of consonantism, specifics of pronunciation and transmission in writing. However, in the senior school (profile: Ukrainian philology) the appearance of the phoneme /г/ and its connection with /Ґ/ is mentioned, and at the basic school the sound combination [д]+[з] is distinguished from the sound [дз]. In historical grammar classes at universities, students get acquainted with the history of the phonemes /г/ and /ф/ appearance, although the time and reasons for the appearance of /дз/ and /дз′, their distribution in literary and dialectal versions, and the problems of their digraphic notation are rarely mentioned. With such didactic approaches, it is difficult to hope that a school or university graduate will be able to realize the uniqueness of our language at the phonetic level, that he or she will be interested in the further development of their language and will have the necessary knowledge base to demonstrate their communicative competence at a high level, which is required by today's the life of society, and hence the NUS. We will continue studying the distinctive features of the Ukrainian language on the example of units of other levels of the language system.


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How to Cite

Kryzhanivska, O. (2024). FROM THE BOTTOMS TO THE TOPS: COMMON SLAVIC AND INDIVIDUAL FEATURES OF THE UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE (3). Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 177–182.