



school, program, biographical method, lyrical hero, lyrics, visualization, color, sound, image, prose language, poetic language, metaphor, comparison


This article presents methodical recommendations concerning the conduction of Ukrainian literature lessons devoted to the study of Taras Shevchenko's work (on the example of lessons in the 5th grade). Model educational programs "Ukrainian literature. 5th - 6th grades" are analysed for institutions of general secondary education, textbooks of Ukrainian literature for the 5th grade that correspond to model curriculum. Emphasis is focused on the essential points that teachers should consider in their work. Attention is concentrated on the fact that lessons of Ukrainian literature should be not only informative, but also interesting. The main methods, techniques, forms of work during the analysis of poetic works are indicated. The importance of using the biographical method is emphasized, because the knowledge of interesting facts of biography and personal life of the artist, which are connected with the advent of the work and to draw the attention of students to the text, make it more understandable, and lead to a deeper level of interpretation. It is highlighted that a special poetic atmosphere should be created in the literature lesson to create a meeting of a student with an artistic text; the teacher must experience and read the text in such a way that the students feel the depth of the poetic word, become infected with the feelings and emotions that the author experienced at the time of creation. A sample of the interpretation of the text of Taras Shevchenko's poetry "A little cloud floats behind the sun..." is presented. The peculiarities of learning theoretical and literary concepts are indicated. It is emphasized that unillustrated learning of word-terms should be avoided, which should be closely related to the analyzed text, logically woven into the general canvas of the lesson, and cannot be presented separately. Interesting forms of work are proposed in the lesson of Ukrainian literature, such as: slow reading of a poem "under a microscope", verbal drawing, creating a sound-color diagram or making a score for a poem, associative drawings, visualization of poetry (arturok).


Модельна навчальна програма «Українська література. 5 – 6 класи» для закладів загальної середньої освіти (автори: Архипова В.П., Січкар С.І., Шило С.Б.) URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mZUOTHruXmNJXck7fmtL5bPReQvXwgFR/view.

Модельна навчальна програма «Українська література. 5 – 6 класи» для закладів загальної середньої освіти (автори: Яценко Т.О., Пахаренко В.І., Слижук О.А та ін.). URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NJyC96_f3hglHcWCTP6Q2ixXJv3ehlxb/view.

Модельна навчальна програма «Українська література. 5 – 6 класи» для закладів загальної середньої освіти (автори Чумарна М.І., Пастушенко Н.М.). URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MRfi5sRENH_yVuxtZ_Lh0IyYvHPKekP9/view.

Архипова В., Січкар С., Шило С. Українська література: підручник для 5 класу закладів загальної середньої освіти. Чернiвцi: Букрек, 2022. 240 с. URL: https://pidruchnyk.com.ua/1682-5_ukrlit_arhupova.html.

Яценко Т., Пахаренко В., Слижук О. Українська література: підручник для 5 класу закладів загальної середньої освіти. Чернiвцi: Букрек, 2022. 240 с. URL: https://pidruchnyk.com.ua/1678-5_ukrlit_yacenko.html.



How to Cite

Koshova, I. (2024). TARAS SHEVCHENKO: RECEPTION AT SCHOOL. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 165–170. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2024-210-24