



idiom, food product, meaning, modification, mass media text


This article is dedicated to English food-related idioms functioning in the English-language mass media texts. We define idioms as stable, recurrent phrases or expressions whose meaning cannot be deduced from the individual components. Rooted in cultural stereotypes and reflecting national identity, idioms are characterized by their figurative and expressive nature. This research examines the semantic-grammatical classification types of food-related idioms. The food-related idioms incorporate a component denoting a food product. A food product is considered to be a substance or item (unprocessed, partially processed, or processed) intended for human consumption. The object of the research is food-related idioms used in the English-language mass media texts. The idioms under investigation were selected from the American news magazine Newsweek using continuous sampling. As the analysis of illustrative material demonstrates, the food-related idioms are potent tools for communication, way of thinking, and preserving cultural heritage. They reflect a nation’s unique worldview, values, and lifestyle. The conducted research made it possible to identify three main semantic-grammatical groups of food-related idioms: nominal, adjectival, and verbal. The nominal idioms convey the concept of thingness and define things in their broadest sense. The adjectival idioms describe the intrinsic qualities of things. The verbal idioms depict actions or states of being as ongoing processes. The analysis results indicate the functional versatility of food-related idioms in mass media texts. They enrich the language of mass media and serve as practical tools for conveying information to the public. It has been observed that both standard and modified food-related idioms are used in mass media texts.


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How to Cite

Koliada, E., & Kalynovska, I. (2024). ENGLISH FOOD-RELATED IDIOMS: FUNCTIONING IN MASS MEDIA TEXTS. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 157–164. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2024-210-23