


future tense, aspectuality, modality, semantics, futureality, effectiveness, grammatical meaning


The relevance of the study is determined by the peculiarity of the temporal system of the French language, which conveys the category of the species due to the semantics of effectiveness in relation to the past and future. The aim of the article is to establish the means of expressing the aspectuality category in the future tense system of the French language. The set goal involves solving the following tasks: a) determining the type of connection of temporal-aspect relations at the level of the linguistic system of future tense forms in the French language; b) establishing the modal values of future tense forms in the French language; c) studying the correlation of the grammatical meaning of the future tense with temporal, aspectual and modal meanings. The universal linguistic category of the future has wide semantic boundaries and a number of additional meanings in modern French. If the modal values of futurity can be traced by examining the logical-pragmatic and distributive means of language, then the species-temporal relations are sometimes inseparable. They can be weakened or strengthened depending on several reasons: the main categorical meaning, the context of speech and communicative direction. Considering the fact that the French language, unlike the Ukrainian language or those languages that have a three-member temporal cognitive scheme, does not distinguish at the lexical level the type of action according to the criterion of perfection / imperfection, it uses another so-called "conventional resource" to denote perfection or imperfect action in the future. In particular, the main categorical meaning – the direction of the action in the future – has a temporal nature, and therefore is realized within the category of temporality, the context of speech realizes the category of species depending on the probable effectiveness of this action in the future; communicative direction realizes the aspectual characteristic of action due to verbal correlates (verb semantics, performativity, etc.) and is directly related to the category of modality.


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How to Cite

Kirkovska, I. (2024). ASPECT AND TENSE CHARACTERISTICS OF FORMS OF THE FUTURE TENSE IN THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 150–156.