



infinitive, scientific and technical text, translation transformations


The article examines the general and special characteristics of the functioning of the infinitive in French-language scientific and technical texts, which include patents for inventions and instructions for household appliances. The specificity of the use of the infinitive in French affects the preliminary analysis of the technical text, its interpretation and production in the language of the translated text. The arsenal of infinitive constructions of French-language patents and instructions is important for the translator of technical texts of scientific discourse because the specificity of the use of the infinitive determines the use of translation transformations taking into account the peculiarities of the Ukrainian language. Among the main features of the syntactic characteristics of scientific and technical texts, an important role is played by syntactic condensation, which is expressed primarily through the use of the infinitive and infinitive constructions. Studying the peculiarities of the functioning of the infinitive in French-language patents for inventions and instructions, which influence the choice of translation techniques and transformations related to ensuring the functional equivalence of the text in the Ukrainian translation, is the goal of current research. An analysis of the most frequent transformations made in the process of translating the French infinitive into Ukrainian was carried out. Translation of infinitive constructions from French into Ukrainian often requires grammatical transformations in order to adapt to the norms of the target language. For this purpose, the translator uses functional substitution, turning French infinitives and constructions with an infinitive into Ukrainian subordinate clauses or word combinations with a noun, which allows you to preserve the meaning when changing the grammatical structure. Also, quite often among the methods of translation of French infinitives, transformations of various types are used, such as modulation, addition, omission, explication and literal translation.


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How to Cite

Ibrahimova, S. (2024). FEATURES OF TRANSLATION INTO UKRAINIAN OF INFINITIVE CONSTRUCTIONS OF FRENCH-SPEAKING SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL TEXTS. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 138–142. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2024-210-20