


household vocabulary, lexical-semantic group, nomen, folklore, kolomyika, Volodymyr Hnatiuk


The description of nominative units within one specific thematic group is a promising trend in modern dialectological science. Verbs and nouns occupy a central place in the lexicon of many languages from the point of view of the parts-of-speech hierarchy. The thematic group of nouns united by the common hypersema «Household vocabulary» is a repertoire rich in content and at the same time one of the most ancient in the Ukrainian language. Using the continuous sampling method, the article studies the lexemes selected from the analyzed texts of kolomyikas. They are the units belonging to the above-mentioned lexical group widely used by a person in everyday life. The texts represent the southwestern dialect of the Ukrainian language. Volodymyr Hnatiuk, a luminary of folkloristics and ethnography, recorded them carefully preserving the most subtle nuances of the respondents’ pronunciation. Following the logical-conceptual principle, the selected units are classified into the following lexical-semantic subgroups: «Names of dishes, kitchen utensils», «Names of food, foodstuffs, drinks», «Nominations of domestic (garden) and wild (field) plants», «Names of household utensils, household items, tools, agricultural instruments», «Names of residential and non-residential premises, their parts», «Names of interior items», «Names of geographical objects», etc. The content of lexical-semantic associations directly depends on the criterion of importance and influence of this or that segment on the dialect-speakers’ lifestyle and needs. The study findings argue that the lexical set of the semantic field «Names of clothes and shoes» is the most diverse by the degree of representation. In addition to local semantic content, many words reflect typical areal trends at the phonetic and morphological lingual levels. Finally, under the influence of globalization and, accordingly, changes in the traditional way of life and management of the economy, many lexemes pass to the category of archaisms, are displaced from usage by new words, and, as a result, are erased from the memory of the speakers, disappearing forever. The practical value of the article is significant since the collected material can be utilized in the process of compiling a consolidated dictionary of Ukrainian dialects, at the Ukrainian language lessons in institutions of secondary education while studying the topic «Dialect words» and in the institutions of higher education when teaching the course of the «Ukrainian Dialectology», involving special courses or optional/elective subjects in Ukrainian dialectology.


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How to Cite

Hrytsevych, Y. (2024). SUBSTANTIVE DIALECT VOCABULARY IN KOLOMYIKA TEXTS RECORDED BY VOLODYMYR HNATIUK: DOMESTICISMS. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 95–101.