



microtoponym, semantic groups, lexical-semantic method, morphological method, steppe speech


A comprehensive analysis of the proper names of small geographical objects of Kazavchyna village, Golovanivsk district, Kirovohrad region, is carried out. The specificity of microtoponyms in the system of proper names has been clarified; the names of small geographical objects of Kazavchyna village have been collected. Local features of microtoponyms, which were not previously the object of research by linguists, were revealed: natural, historical, and socio-cultural factors of the emergence of microtoponyms in the studied territory. Semantic groups of microtoponyms are defined; lexical-semantic and word-formation-structural analysis of the studied units was carried out; dialectal features of microtoponyms are revealed. The material, analyzed in the work, shows that the occurrence of microtoponyms depends on historical and sociocultural factors; in the microtoponymy of villages, both the names of natural objects and names related to human economic activity actively function. Appellative, homonymous and homonymous-vidapellative microtoponyms are distinguished; by structure, microtoponyms are divided into simple, compound and compound; the main method of creation is suffixation; some of the microtoponyms have phonetic, morphological and lexical features inherent in the Podil dialects of the southwestern dialect and the steppe dialects of the southeastern dialect. Microtoponyms in the language portrait of a modern Ukrainian village are an element closely related to its historical development. The analysis of the names of Kazavchyna village showed that a large number of these names are symbols of the Soviet era. A characteristic feature of the renewal of the nameless space of Kazavchyna village is the appearance of microtoponyms associated with modern events and today's heroes. Microtoponyms are elements of marking certain territories and perform the function of local landmarks in the surrounding area. They are one of the ways to influence a person: with the change of the names of microtoponyms, a new coordinate system is created.


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How to Cite

Volchanska, H., Zakordonets, O., & Vasylyk, S. (2024). MICROTOPONYMS OF KAZAVCHINA VILLAGE HOLOVANIVSK DISTRICT KIROVOGRAD REGION. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 77–86. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2024-210-11