


militaristic poetry, rhizomatic text, implicit reader, symbolism, archetypes, collective unconscious, metamodernism


In the provisions of the scientific article, the author analyzes the literary technique in modern militaristic poetry – the principle of "iceberg", the specificity of which is a significant layer of subtextual symbolic archetypal matrices in poems. The structure of the reader's penetration mechanism into the implicit opinion of the author and the specifics of using this principle in war poetry (subtext and hints, emotional restraint, gaps and understatements, contrast, versatility, etc.) are formulated. It was noted that such a creative guideline is especially relevant in modern poetry about the war (S. Zhadan, B. Humeniuk, K. Kalytko, M. Kryvtsov, etc.), since militarism, autoreflection, creative guidance in general in the modern world undergoes transformations, manifesting itself in poetry not only directly, but also symbolically, archetypically. Using the method of archetypal analysis and symptomatic reading, an analysis of the symbolic subtextual level of the poems of Lyubov Yakymchuk, Maxim Kryvtsov, Kateryna Babkina was carried out. Emphasis is placed on the metamodern style of poems with various allusions and symbols, with specific metaphorics. It is noted that such poetry affects the deep layers of the psyche, causes empathy, encourages reflection on the war, reveals its social and emotional aspects. In conclusion, it is determined that this is a complex autoreflexive poetry that requires careful deciphering, filling in semantic gaps, deploying hypertextuality and new interpretive approaches. The studio also opens up broader research perspectives in the context of studies of the modern literary process.


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How to Cite

Vertyporokh, O. (2024). PRINCIPLE OF THE «ICEBERG» IN MODERN UKRAINIAN POETRY ABOUT WAR. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 71–76.