


military metaphor, classifications of metaphors, types of metaphors, conceptual approach


The article explores the use of military metaphors in language and discourse, focusing on how these metaphors enhance text strength and emotional impact. The author discusses the prevalence of military metaphors in various contexts, such as economics, politics, and media, and analyzes the positive and negative effects of using such metaphors. She draws on the work of both foreign and Ukrainian scholars in metaphor theory to provide a comprehensive understanding of military metaphors in modern English-language media discourse. The article begins by defining metaphor as a form of hidden comparison that helps identify special features of subjects. It discusses different classifications of metaphors based on prevalence, structure, and function, highlighting the complexity and ambiguity of metaphorical concepts. The author presents various types of metaphors identified by different scholars, such as dead metaphors, cliché-metaphors, lexical metaphors, and author's metaphors. The author then delves into the conceptual approach to understanding metaphors, emphasizing the work of George Lakoff and Mark Johnson in highlighting the metaphorical nature of the world. She distinguishes military metaphors as a specific type of conceptual metaphor based on the theme of war, discussing how these metaphors embody aggressiveness, conflict, and strategy in non-military contexts. The article explores how military metaphors are used in business, politics, and other domains to simplify complex ideas and evoke emotional responses. The article also examines the historical and cultural roots of military metaphors, noting their prevalence in human history and their role in structuring perception and understanding of the world. The author highlights the importance of military vocabulary in metaphorical expansion and discuss concepts associated with war that are commonly used in military metaphors. In conclusion, the author defines military metaphor as a powerful linguistic tool that adds evaluative expressiveness to discourse. She argues that military metaphors play a significant role in shaping public opinion and activating associative and emotional fields. Overall, the article provides a thorough analysis of military metaphors and their impact on language and communication.


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How to Cite

Pasternak, T. (2024). MILITARY METAPHOR AS A CONCEPTUAL METAPHOR. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 35–39.