professional Ukrainian language, public speaking, rhetorical skills, discussion, situational tasks, communication.Abstract
The authors of the article substantiated in detail the importance of obtaining developed communication skills by graduates of higher education institutions, which involve the ability to speak in public. In order to determine the results of the development of students' public speaking skills, the authors developed a diagnostic questionnaire, the results of which are analyzed in detail in the article. The researchers focused on the following components of students' preparation for public speaking: preparation for the speech; mastery of public broadcasting techniques; establishing contact with the audience; emotion management and performance practice. The study presents a system of exercises and tasks for the development of public speaking skills of future specialists in the agricultural sector. Examples of the most famous speeches in the world and methods of working with them are offered. The scientists considered in detail the exercises related to the individual and independent work of students, the implementation of which is aimed at strengthening the research component in the learning process. The article offers a list of topics for discussions and round tables, the purpose of which is the development of public speaking skills. The authors investigated the use of situational tasks in the formation of communication skills of students of the Ukrainian language. Emphasis is placed on the importance of practicing and consolidating communication skills in everyday life; observation of other people's communication; reading article focuses on exercises for the development of diction and non-verbal means of communication, as they affect the audience's perception and understanding of the speaker. Emphasis is placed on the importance of performing creative tasks and exercises for improving the speech culture of university graduates. The authors determined the importance of role-playing lectures for students in the development of public speaking practical skills. The article emphasizes that the obtained results of the survey testify to the effectiveness of the developed and selected types of works on the development of oratory and communicative abilities. The proposed tasks can be used for the formation of rhetorical skills in students of higher education in the educational process during the teaching of the subject «Ukrainian language (for professional direction)».
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