


fairytale, concept, space, chronotope, «own» – «foreign», magical creatures.


The article deals with the analysis of ways of realizing of the chronotope (in particular, the category of space) in the texts of Persian folk tales. The space in the fairy tale is very specific. A characteristic feature of space is its organization on the principle of «own» – «foreign». The relevance of our study is due to the growing interest in Persian folk tales, the need for a comprehensive study of their features, including temporal and spatial organization of the tale, or chronotope, which allows a deeper understanding of the philosophy and mentality of the Iranian nation. The fairy tale is considered to be the first genre that marked the transition from mythological consciousness to the literary. The inner genre form of the fairy tale is inherited from the myth. Their common featuresare: the inclination to unusual events, the «uncertainty» of the chronotope, the opposition «one’s own – another’s», the presence of certain trials, prohibitions and their violation, and so on. In fairy tales, the space of the hero is presented not as a space of personality, but as a typical space caused by events, the actions of the hero are mostly mechanical due to interference in the plot of magical objects and helpers. Fairy-tale space functions in two planes – "own" space (human world) and "foreign" (inhuman, otherworldly). The boundary between the kingdoms are forest, sea, river, bridge, mountain, fire, tree or other plant, pit, cave, crevice in the mountains, often a well, etc., crossing or jumping over which the hero is in the afterlife. The reflection of «own» – «foreign», space are the magical creatures of Persian fairy tales – they are echoes of demonic and mythological ideas of the Iranian population of the first millennia BC. In fairy tales, a road motif appears from the first pages as well, symbolizing vector movement, the search for something or someone. It is through the motive of the journey that each hero tries to find his way in life.


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٬ون حرط :نارهت – .روپ بیرغ دازهب زا یگن١٣٧٩



How to Cite

Stelmakh, M. Y. (2024). VERBALIZATION OF THE CONCEPT OF SPACE IN PERSIAN MAGIC TALES. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (209), 337–342.