hidden advertising, slogan, verbal component, creative component, media discourse, collocation.Abstract
In modern marketing, content marketing stands out as a powerful tool for engaging audiences and achieving commercial success. Content marketing is based on the principle of providing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain your target audience. From blogs to videos, podcasts to social media updates, content marketing covers a variety of formats. Its effectiveness lies in its ability to create a connection that goes beyond a simple transactional relationship. Another psychological aspect is the principle of social confirmation. Content marketing strategically uses testimonials, user-generated content, and partnerships with influencers to strengthen social validation and increase brand trust. The article analyses the main characteristics and features of the content marketing method and hidden advertising, its social and psychological impact on consumers. The features and examples of hidden advertising in different languages on social networks are considered. Attention is focused on the verbal and psychological aspects of hidden advertising. The use of borrowings and communication strategy, which are determined by the needs of communication and the formation of socio-cultural space, is analysed. The structural and logical scheme of building hidden advertising is outlined. The forms of influence of slogans on the formation of socio-cultural space and consumer consciousness are revealed. It is emphasized that the communicative strategy of hidden advertising is conditioned by the needs of communication and the formation of socio-cultural space. The role of advertising in shaping the personality of a person, especially young people, is considered. The study of content marketing methods remains relevant with the development of information technology and changes in consumer habits, which provides new opportunities to use innovative methods and tools to create effective content. All of this demonstrates the importance of researching content marketing methods for both marketing practitioners and academics to ensure successful brand communication with consumers in the digital age.
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