poetry, American revolution, Ph. Freneau, T. Paine, J. Odell.Abstract
This article examines the role of American revolutionary poetry as a reflection of socio-political transformations during the American Revolution. We believe that the analysis of this genre can shed light on the prevailing political climate that fueled revolutionary sentiments. However, there are problems in studying this body of works, as many poems remain anonymous and their dating is often inaccurate. Despite these methodological limitations, this study explores prominent figures, major themes, and features of early American revolutionary poetry. The article examines two main genres: (1) revolutionary songs and ballads, which mainly encouraged and agitated the masses and (2) political satire, which was used as an important tool to criticize the policies of the metropolitan authorities. Songs like «The Battle of the Kegs» (Hopkinson) and «Yankee’s Return from Camp» exemplify the former, using simple yet catchy language to unite and inspire a growing nation. The genre of political satire is represented by authors from both political camps – supporters of the king (loyalists) and revolutionaries (patriots). The article examines in more detail the political satire of the patriot poets John Trumbull, Philip Freneau, Francis Hopkinson, Thomas Paine, and the loyalist poet Jonathan Odell. The article points out the peculiarities of the rhetoric of both sides of the revolution in their poetic works. Poets considered the conflict through the prism of moral values and constantly appealed to honor, justice, truth, courage, freedom, laws, etc. The article presents specific examples of such poetic texts. And also analyzes Thomas Paine’s poem «The Liberty Tree» in more detail for better understanding. The author also notes that while the literary value of early American revolutionary poetry may have diminished over time, its historical significance remains. These works function as primary sources, providing important insight into the political and social ideologies that fueled the American Revolution. Through their study, we gain a deeper understanding of the spirit of resistance, the desire for freedom, and the general cultural and moral ideas that ultimately led to the formation and establishment of the United States.
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