colloquialisms; deviation; dialect; sociolect; full transcoding; mixed transcoding; adaptive transcoding.Abstract
The article deals with the peculiarities of colloquial vocabulary as a deviant element of speech, its naming, separation and methods of translation into target language. The ways of realization of colloquial words have been analyzed in the target text through full and adaptive transcoding. Colloquialisms are used by everybody, and their sphere of communication is comparatively wide. These are informal words that are used in everyday conversational speech by cultivated and uneducated people of all groups. Such elements include slang and dialects. Vast use of informal words is one of the prominent features of 20th century English and American literature. In Modern fiction informal words appear in dialogues as well as in descriptive passages. Such informal words are considered to be a kind of language deviation. The main reasons for the functioning of deviations in fiction are as follows: 1) deviation as the main means of creating the image of the characters and the author's picture of the world; 2) the deviation characterizes only individual characters (this way of deviation functioning is used more often, because it creates the image of the hero; 3) the deviation is used as a specific feature to create a certain coloring of the text. This technique is more often used for certain situations, comic effect, or also a conflict situation between the characters. For example, individual interspersed dialectal elements, which are voiced by a particular character, more often uses stylistically refined language, may sound like jokes about other characters who communicate in dialectal speech. To render stylistic coloring of the text created with the help of colloquialisms is an urgent problem for translators. To realize this task a translator should choose a correct strategy taking into account reasons for what the substandard elements have been used in the text. The given investigation shows that the most adequate ways of rendering colloquialisms used in the source language into target language is transcoding full or adaptive one.
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