Americanism, neologism, convergence, divergence, lexical unit, slang, dialect.Abstract
The article focuses on the history of the formation of the American version of the English language and the evolution of its development. Two approaches to the periodization of American English are presented. Thus, the author considers the traditional approach, in which two periods are distinguished, and a more innovative one proposed by A.W. Reed (distinguishes four periods). The main factors that influenced the development of American English are analyzed. In particular, the author emphasizes the following main factors: the military power and economic potential of the United States, world leadership in the international arena, the rapid development of the cultural and information component, as well as the "simplicity" and flexibility of modern American English. The author analyzes the linguistic simplification of the language which notes a significant simplification of phonetic, lexical, grammatical and stylistic levels in American English. The researcher defines lexical and semantic features and typical peculiarities of grammatical constructions; outlines the prospects for further development o f American English. It is argued that the need for lexical items to denote, on the one hand, previously unknown concepts, and, on the other hand, the need for common names for existing household items, led to the emergence of neologisms, among which two main categories are distinguished: fully assimilated and partially assimilated. It is postulated that socio-cultural, geographical and migration factors are fundamental for the determination linguistic features of American English. The trends of convergence and divergence, as well as aim to find a national identity, have determined the trajectory of the development of American English.
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