poetics of portraiture, Hryhir Tiutiunnyk, story «The Germ», markers of the psychological.Abstract
A sign of the poetics of a perfect literary work is the integrity of all its components, among which the skill of portraying characters is a significant one. Contemporary literary criticism has established an interpretation of the concept of «portrait» not only as an image of a person's appearance, but also of everything that somehow contributes to the disclosure of the hero's inner world and the creation of a holistic, stable image in the readers' imagination. Hryhir Tiutiunnyk is one of the unsurpassed masters of artistic words and portraiture. The artist's poetics of portraiture is based on synergistic means and techniques. In his stories, we can trace such features of artistry as laconicism, attention to detail, psychologism, neorealistic style, luxurious and rich vernacular, expression of national ethnomentalism, and masterful portrayal of bright individuals. The short story «The Germ» is a vivid example of the writer's talent for portraiture. The article uses the material of this work to trace the peculiarities of Hryhir Tyutyunnyk's portraiture. In particular, the identification of psychological markers in the characterisation of bright individuals. It is found that the techniques of portraiture in the short story correlate with the genre and style specificity of the work. The author emphasises the key personality traits of the characters through eloquent details that are not only visual but also auditory, tactile and olfactory. The inner state of the characters is emphasised by the symbolically rich title of the work. The author reinforces the psychologism of the narrative with the artistic means of parallelism and contrast. Hryhir Tiutiunnyk manages to reveal the character of the characters to the fullest extent possible due to the synergistic relationship of all the expressive means of the work, which ultimately convey deep artistic meanings to the reader. The author reinforces the psychologism of the narrative with the artistic means of parallelism and contrast. Hryhir Tiutiunnyk manages to reveal the characters' character to the fullest extent possible due to the synergistic connection of all the expressive means of the work, which ultimately convey deep artistic meanings to the reader.
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