


term, translation technique, equivalent, descriptive translation.


The article examines the peculiarities of translating terms in technical instructions from English into Ukrainian. The article analyzes the types of terms found in technical instructions, as well as their translation techniques. Technical instructions are an important source of information for users of technical devices and systems. They contain detailed information about operating rules, technical characteristics, features of equipment repair and maintenance. Therefore, the safety, efficiency and durability of the equipment depends on the quality of the translation of technical instructions. One of the most important aspects of translating technical instructions is the rendering of terminology. Technical terms are specific to a certain field of knowledge and have clearly defined meanings. In this regard, the translator of technical instructions must have deep knowledge of the field to which the equipment described in the instructions belongs. They should also be familiar with the Ukrainian terminology used in this field. There are several ways to reproduce technical terms, depending on the context and purpose of the translation. Some of the most common methods include: transliteration – transferring terms from one writing system to another using similar or approximately the same characters. Transliteration followed by explanation – transliteration is used, but an explanation of the term in the target language is added. Translation – a technical term is translated into the target language using a similar or explanatory translation. Combined approach – using a combination of transliteration and translation depending on the specifics of the term and context. Some terms may be transliterated, while others may be translated. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of a particular approach may depend on the client’s requirements, the specific text, and other factors.


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How to Cite

Nestor, Y. V., & Kudriavtseva , N. S. (2024). RENDERING TERMS IN TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS FROM ENGLISH INTO UKRAINIAN. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (209), 247–252.