


Mavka, I. Franko, mythical image, mythopoetic system, fairy tale, monomyth.


The object of analysis in the article is the short prose work "Mavka" by I. Frankо. The main idea under consideration is that the "summer fairy tale" is based on folk ideas about monkeys, which form the mythopoetic paradigm of the work. It is noted that demonological characters are actively interpreted in Ukrainian literature from the era of romanticism to the present day. Therefore, the study of the works of our classics provides a perspective of the development of mythical images in the poetics of the works. The article comments on intelligence of the 21st century. about "Mavka" by I. Frankо, in which attention is mainly paid to the genre features of the work, oppositions in the story, psychological portrait of the main character, the role of the forest in the writer's life. The purpose of our research is to shed light on the mythopoetic system of "Mavka", which requires revealing the mythopoetic structure of the artistic world of the work and identifying mythopoetic elements in "Mavka". The interpretation of the mythopoetic paradigm of I. Frank's work is based on the concept of Andrii Gurduz. The opinion is proved that the mythopoetic component of the tale is for him both structural and forms the mythopoetic plot. For Mavka, an important element of the mythopoetic system of the work is the title, which primarily performs a predictive function. The research of folklorists was involved in order to establish the origin and features of the mythological image of the mavka. Situations in the work that talk about mavok have been tracked. Attention is focused on the portrait characteristics and actions of the mythical character. The girl becomes the heroine of a monomyth (according to J. Campbell), because she goes through its main stages. Cyclic time, recording Ganji's adventures, becomes important for the mythopoetic system of the work. The symbolism of the number three in the story is substantiated. The involvement of the main character in the mythopoetic system is proven. We can say that in the work of I. Franko both develops traditional ideas about the mavka and mythologizes the image of a child The mythopoetic paradigm of the tale "Mavka" is based on the nomination of the work, the depiction of a demonic character, the symbolism of the number three, the inclusion of the main character in the world myth.


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How to Cite

Mizinkina, O. O. (2024). THE MYTHOPOETIC PARADIGM OF THE FAIRY TALE "MAVKA" BY I. FRANKO. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (209), 227–232.