



V. Symonenko, «khrushchev’s thaw», «political freezes», Simonenko the novelist, short prose, epic.


The article attempts to outline the algorithm of V. Symonenko writing work: conversion of the writer’s texts into prose form. Today, interest in the creative heritage of the artist is gaining new momentum. Articles and scientific studies appear not only about his poetic work, but also about Simonenko the novelist, playwright, screenwriter, and children’s writer. His creative heritage is becoming the object of modern domestic and foreign literary critics; this is evidenced by the multi-vector nature of research. And yet, today, there is a lack of a separate objective psychologically oriented literary understanding of the artist’s short prose. Working on researching the process of the writing work of a professional journalist, such as V. Symonenko, we can say that the journalism of that time had to publish «on the mountai«» the daily practical results of society’s activities – to state the fact of labor achievements, achievements, discoveries. Taking into account the historical period when the writer lived, worked and created, we make the assumption that the social and political events of the time in the country had a significant influence on his creative process – the artist lived and created at the crossroads of two historical eras – the «Khrushchev thaw» and subsequent «political freezes». As a result of the study of additional literature and the comparative characteristics of journalistic and literary work, their features were outlined and the common and different were distinguished – in journalistic journalistic texts the contradictions of the objective are reproduced directly, which cannot be said about an artistic work that is not characteristic generalized reproduction. The writer, in addition to the analysis of facts and phenomena, reveals the problem of the depicted conflict, and this is possible only by figuratively reproducing those life collisions in which the characters got into. The difficulty lies in the adaptation of «borrowed» real events to the plot of the work.


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How to Cite

Mykhyda , L. M. (2024). FEATURES OF EPIKA CREATIVE LABORATORY VASILIA SIMONENKA. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (209), 219–226. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2024-209-33