


patent, technical text, legal text, translation, translation techniques.


The article deals with the linguostylistic features of patent documents, as well as their rendering in the translation of patents describing inventions in the medical field, namely, a disposable medical syringe. The history of patent as a specific genre at the intersection of technical and legal styles is considered. We described in detail the nature of a patent application for an invention. The application covers the novelty, contains a detailed description of the invention and has a certain structure. We also explain the reasons for the need to translate patent documents. A significant reason for this is patent litigation caused by the infringement of copyright. The structural features of patents are characterized, including a header, a patent description, which contains subsections, a section with claims, drawings, and an abstract. Particular attention is paid to the linguostylistic features specific to patent texts, as well as their importance in the process of translation, such as technical and legal accuracy, coherence, and consistency. By means of analyzing examples, the article highlights the peculiarities of conveying information and maintaining accuracy in the translation of patents from English into Ukrainian. The main linguostylistic features of patents are analyzed, including lexical repetition, anaphora, non-restrictive terminology, legal phraseology/legal language and nominalization. The key aspects of their use in translation are determined. We also consider examples of an English language patent and its translation into Ukrainian at the syntactical, lexical and morphological levels. We analyze the approach «mirror translation» as a key strategy for translating patent documentation. In addition, literal and equivalent techniques are defined as the most common techniques in translation of patents.


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How to Cite

Makohon, T. S., & Kudriavtseva, N. S. (2024). LINGUOSTYLISTIC FEATURES OF PATENTS IN TRANSLATION FROM ENGLISH INTO UKRAINIAN. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (209), 195–200.