


female speech, marker, gender, emphatic.


The article deals with the female speech peculiarities on the basis of the French novel by David Foenkinos «Vers la beauté». A number of factors impact on women’s communication strategies, style, tone, manner of communication – from psychophysiological features of gender, social, national, cultural, professional, political and other statuses of the speaker. Theoretical foundations of the study of female speech set plenty of characteristics, in particular, women are credited with the attention, a sense of reciprocity between interlocutors, politeness, stylistic coloring, syntactic simplification, emotionality, unproductivity of slang tokens, intonational expressiveness, etc. Such postulates of the female communication are not considered permanent, on the contrary, they may either undergo changes or be reduced, or not developed in speech behavior through a prism of both social circumstances, upbringing and environment. The isomorphism of female speech in the novel «Vers la beauté» covers three main stages: 1) the stage of excessive talkativeness; 2) equilibration stage; 3) the stage of tension, which are formed under the influence of the personal and socio-professional environment of female characters throughout the storyline. Linguistic markers of structural and stylistic nature, the performance of lexical units justify the emphaticity of female speech. The gender aspects of female communication in the novel include art of speaking (rhetoric), the interrogative-motivating purpose of expression, the vocabulary of psycho-emotional states. The male author managed to depict the exact palette of emotions that each of the female characters opens for readers throughout the storyline of the novel. A key aspect of the female communication depicted in David Foenkinos's French novel «Vers la beauté» is its gradational evolution, the non-uniformity of communicative manner, emphatic, which made it possible to outline the female communicative type and build prospects for further research.


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How to Cite

Kovbaniuk, M. I., Skarbek, O. H., & Kruk, Z. M. (2024). LINGUISTIC ASPECTS OF FEMALE SPEECH IN THE FRENCH NOVEL BY DAVID FOENKINOS "VERS LA BEAUTÉ". Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (209), 164–170.