



obsession, psychopoetics, structure of personality, psychoanalysis, mysticism, idea of fate, inevitability, O. Zhovna.


The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of obsession in the prose of O. Zhovna, based on his story "S. H. Second Hand." Special attention is paid to the psychopoetic aspects of the writer's work, as this allows for a better understanding of the deep motives of the actions and the complexity of the psyche of his characters, as well as the connection with the author's personality. The article emphasizes that the study of individual aspects of obsession in the writer's work requires the application of the tools and methodology of psychopoetics. This contributes to the disclosure of the psychological motives of obsession and the study of the influence of the unconscious on human behavior. The megatext of O. Zhovna highlights this phenomenon, allowing for penetration into the creative laboratory of the artist and clarifying the correlation between the personal and the artistic. The study of the artistic transformation of the idea of obsession in the writer's psyche includes the consideration of a number of complex philosophical, ethical, and aesthetic issues related to understanding the psychological structure of his personality. O. Zhovna's work is associated with the theme of obsession, which is manifested in the images of unusual characters with deviant behavior who feel rejected by society and cannot find common ground with it. The most radical motive of obsession in O. Zhovna's work is presented in his story "S. H. Second Hand". The article asserts that obsession in O. Zhovna's psyche is a borderline state, separated from reality, which is characteristic of those who themselves are unacceptable to society. Obsession necessarily contains an element of mysticism and correlates with the otherworldly. It is emphasized that in the story "S. H. Second Hand," obsession has a strong sexual component. However, in other works, it may take on different, not necessarily sexual, forms, but it is always associated with sacredness, creativity, and pathology. The article focuses on the fact that the analysis of the phenomenon of obsession in the psychopoetic paradigm of O. Zhovna allows us to reveal his own mysticism, emphasis on the ideas of fate and inevitability. The development of this issue is an important step towards understanding the writer's creative process as a whole and his personality in particular.


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How to Cite

Derhachova, O. V., & Mykhyda, S. P. (2024). OBSESSION IN THE WORKS OF O. ZHOVNA: PSYCHOPATHOLOGICAL ASPECTS (WITH REFERENCE TO THE STORY "S. H. SECOND HAND"). Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (209), 112–117. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2024-209-17