


educational process, project technology, foreign language competence, critical thinking, communicative educational situation.


The author of the research article explores the application of the project method in the context of teaching the English language, with a focus on pedagogical and methodological aspects. The presented study aims to provide a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of this method and its impact on the development of language competencies and critical thinking skills in students. The article begins by justifying the relevance of the topic in the context of global educational development and the importance of preparing students for communication in an international environment. The author emphasizes the need to enhance traditional teaching methods for their effective adaptation to contemporary challenges. The research aspect is examined through an analysis of the theoretical foundations of the project method, highlighting its differences from traditional methods, and indicating the theoretical basis for its use in the context of teaching the English language. Specifically, aspects of student interaction in groups, stimulation of critical thinking, and the development of language competence in the implementation of educational projects are discussed. A crucial part of the article is the practical aspect, where specific examples of successful project method implementation in the classroom are provided, followed by an analysis of the obtained results. This allows readers to familiarize themselves with concrete tools and ideas for implementing this method in their own pedagogical practice. Special attention is given to the role of the teacher and student in the process of implementing the project method, identifying and developing their competencies in a new learning context. The author also examines the impact of this approach on student motivation and self-regulation. In the concluding section of the research article, the author highlights the significance of the study for the pedagogical community and emphasizes its practical value for English language teachers and educational researchers who strive for continuous improvement of their pedagogical expertise and the enhancement of educational processes.


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How to Cite

Hudyma, H. B., & Slodynytska, Y. R. (2024). USING THE PROJECT METHOD IN TEACHING ENGLISH. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (209), 106–111.