media discourse, news texts, headline, media translation, fully equivalent translation, partially equivalent translation.Abstract
The article is devoted to media discourse – a powerful tool of value and symbolic influence on mass consciousness. The essence, functions and classification criteria of media discourse are determined. Special attention is paid to news texts, among the important features of which are efficiency, objectivity, impartiality, the maximum popularity of the presentation, accessibility of the language. The object of research is the headlines of news texts. The research material is presented by Ukrainian and English news headlines on military topics of the electronic version of the newspaper «Ukrainska Pravda». The sphere of application of these texts covers a wide range of addressees. The classification of Ukrainian headlines of electronic news texts was analyzed. Among them are purely informative, partially informative, encouraging or intriguing headlines. The main language means of manipulation and manipulative techniques in headlines are identified, including the use of stereotypes, labeling, repetition of information, anonymous authority, statement of fact, distraction of attention, principle of contrast, psychological shock. The list of the main linguistic features of Ukrainian headlines of electronic news texts is proposed. Special attention is paid to the issues of media translation – an independent sphere in the field of media language translation. Several methods of headline translation are distinguished – authentic reproduction, fully equivalent and partially equivalent translation, complete replacement of one headline for another from the original language to the language of translation. Conclusions have been made regarding the most common methods of translation. Some tips are provided for adequate translation of headlines of news texts from Ukrainian into English. Among them is an understanding of the topic of the material, the functions of the headline, its linguistic, social, cultural and background peculiarities.
Українська правда. Електронна газета. URL:
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