



the English language, geographical name, Celtic origin, non-anglicized, translation, toponym, transcoding.


The article is devoted to the study of English-language toponymic names of Celtic origin. The notions of toponym, toponymic system, toponymy, toponymikon are defined in the article. Key attention is paid in it to the facts of emergence and area of distribution of toponyms of Celtic origin on the territory of the British Isles, as well as semantic peculiarities of their Celtic components. Ways of translation of the toponyms into the Ukrainian language are revealed and analyzed in the article. Reasons of use of non-anglicized Celtic toponyms and ways of their translating into the Ukrainian language are also clarified in it. Toponym is a proper geographic name used for designation of natural object or object, created by a person. A set of such names, united according to its territorial and time criteria is called a toponymic system. The notions of toponymy and toponymicon are synonymous to the notion of toponymic system. The notion of toponymy is also viewed for designation of a linguistic discipline studying toponyms. English-language toponymic system of Great Britain include toponymic names of Celtic origin. Such units have general names designating natural geographical objects or places created by a person. These units are translated by Ukrainian proper names. General names used for their explanation can be added in their translations. Along with anglicized and assimilated Celtic toponyms that became a part and parcel of the toponymic system of the British English, non-anglicized Celtic toponyms are used in the British English literary and tourist discourse, as well as in everyday life discourse. Their use is aimed at attracting attention, making an impact, providing character characteristics etc. Translation of these units into Ukrainian is carried out by means of transcoding. Common names clarifying their meanings may be added in translation. Anglicized counterparts of the original Celtic toponyms are also translated by transcoding. The choice of ways of their translation is predetermined by the context, sphere and purpose of their use.


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How to Cite

Holovashchenko, Y. S., Lesinska, O. M., & Novosadska, O. B. (2024). ENGLISH-LANGUAGE TOPONYMIC NAMES OF CELTIC ORIGIN AND THEIR TRANSLATION INTO THE UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (209), 87–92. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2024-209-13