concept, conceptual sphere, frame, uprising, T. Shevchenko.Abstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the conceptual sphere of "armed uprising" in T. Shevchenko's poem "Haidamaky". The relevance of the topic, on the one hand, determines her interest in military concepts, which became especially active during the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war, and on the other hand, in the work of the brilliant Ukrainian writer, artist, philosopher, unconquered patriot Taras Shevchenko, who even after 210 years of his birth remains a symbol of indomitable spirit, the number one poet in Ukraine. The purpose of the study was, using frame theory, to simulate concepts that represent the conceptual sphere of "armed uprising" and to demonstrate the features of the use of linguistic means of conceptualization to preserve historical memory, foster an unacceptable attitude towards enemies and an admirable attitude towards the defenders of Ukraine. The material was the poem "Haidamaky", which both in its time and later was subjected to ambiguous assessments and interpretations by critics, which truthfully depicts the Cossack-peasant uprising against the nobility in Right-Bank Ukraine in 1768, known as Koliyivshchyna. The analysis of the conceptual sphere of "armed uprising" in T. Shevchenko's "Haidamaky" showed that it is represented by four nuclear concepts: "struggle", "insurgents", "enemies" and "weapons", each of which is structured with the help of frames, in particular taxonomic, subject, actional and comparative. The study confirmed that the people's consciousness contains many components that can be actualized when historical conditions form a favorable ground for them. The author managed to convey a true picture of the armed uprising of 1768, to create a convincing image of Ukrainian insurgents, fighters against social, national and religious oppression. The significance of such research is in its applied nature, especially today during the Russian-Ukrainian war, which has become an important challenge for society, when concepts are considered as an effective linguistic tool to counter hostile propaganda.
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